BACKGROUND: The military draft in place during the Vietnam conflict created a steady influx of inductees into the military which allowed for a rotation of forces into combat zones. Elimination of the draft resulted in multiple tours to the Middle East for many military personnel. Today’s veterans have high levels of anxiety, stress, and personal challenges.

OVERVIEW: The concept outlined here is for a pilot program beginning in the fall of 2023 to provide an opportunity for veterans to talk about challenges post-military service to include cultural challenges, employment challenges and/or business creation or operations. The program consists of four sessions.

The purposes are twofold:

1) Create an atmosphere wherein veterans and those supporting veterans feel free to engage. Essentially a “talking circle” to provide an outlet; an opportunity to engage with someone in similar circumstances.

2) Provide information relative to community engagement either as an employee or as a small business owner. Specifically, the team will include business training along with culturally sensitive techniques, outdoor activities, and mindfulness awareness training.

LOCATION: The program will be conducted in eastern King County with primary sessions around a firepit. Also available are over 100 acres of heavily wooded areas available for hiking and reflective walks.

ELIGIBILITY: Native American veterans or those caring for Native veterans. Other U.S. military veterans on a space-available basis.

BENEFITS: Participants will learn

  • Methods and techniques for relaxation and stress reduction
  • How to leverage military training for employment
  • How to leverage veteran status for business growth
  • How to engage with mentors

COST: There are no costs for the participants of this program


National Native American Veterans Memorial - Smithsonian

Image of National Native American Veterans Memorial – Smithsonian taken by Daucey Brewington
