by Marnie Tyson | Feb 12, 2021 |
Join us for a discussion of small business incubators: what are they, do they work, is it for me. We will cover the “nuts and bolts” of participation; eligibility, expectations, duration. This session is open to all Natives, in business or not. Who should attend? •...
by Daucey Brewington | Mar 3, 2020 |
This session will cover the basics of creating or growing a company with emphasis on certifications which provide a competitive advantage Hosted by Yakama Nation
by Marnie Tyson | Feb 26, 2020 |
Marketing starts with research. The government, especially the federal government, is big (really big) and complicated. Successful businesses find their focus through researching who buys their products and services, how and from whom. This is done early and often....
by Marnie Tyson | Feb 26, 2020 |
As you develop or grow your business, new and exciting complications will pop up. Acronyms creep into your standard language. You learn to balance contracting efforts with financial stability. The rules of acquisition start to become clear and understandable. You are...